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About Us

Who We Are and What We Do

About the Podcast



This isn't just another podcast. Our goal is to unify the church and further empower ministry leaders to maximize God's callings. Our podcast will:


  • Feature special guests who discuss what church leaders struggle with most
  • Share insights on overcoming these challenges
  • Provide resources and special opportunities to connect with experts


Join us and listen in. We are stronger together!

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Our Mission Statement:

We help Christian leaders break silos and build community by tackling problems and finding solutions in ministry.

Breaking Silos and Building Community for Ministry Solutions

We envision a safe community for Christian leaders to be encouraged and to find and share resources in order to be more effective in the spheres of influence God has given them. Whether you are a CEO, pastor, ministry leader, seminary student, work for a nonprofit, or are a spouse of someone who is, there is a place for you here.

Solving Ministry Puzzles Together


Meet Erinn!

The Ministry Solvers Podcast Host

Erinn is a mentor, speaker, and teacher raised in Fort Worth, Texas. He has 15 years of ministry experience most recently serving as the full-time minister at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship under Dr. Tony Evans. He has a passion for helping fellow Christian leaders thrive in their callings while keeping their families first. He speaks on a wide range of topics on his podcast. When not ministering, he enjoys spending time with his beautiful bride, Caitlyn, reading, writing, and working out. 

Listen to an Update from Erinn


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